Hard to admit:

It was a familiar scene. The disciples had been fishing all night but had caught nothing. (John 21:3) Then they heard a voice from the shore call out, ‘Children, have you any food?” (John 21:5) John always the perceptive one, recognized that it was Jesus asking the question. But why did the Lord ask them this question? The point was to show them their own need. He wanted them to admit their failure: “We caught nothing.” It isn’t that this was the biggest failure you ever have. After all, we have all had this happen when we have gone fishing. But Jesus was using their empty nets to illustrate a larger point. God will do the same with us. Before we can find restoration, before we can find forgiveness, we have to admit our failure. That is really hard for some people. We don’t like to admit we have failed. Worst is that some people do not even want to take responsibility for their actions. But before we can receive the forgiveness and restoration from the Lord, we must confess that we need Him. No excuses. No blame game. Just an honest admission and confession that shows we take responsibility for our own action. (Luke 15) Be encouraged.

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