How things can change:

Often we hear of someone who has spent many years preparing for one career only to end up doing something completely different. Back in 1791, Samuel Morse was born and grew up wanting to be an artist. For a minute, he was successful with his talent and became internationally known. But it was very difficult to make a living as an artist in American during that time. Then his wife died followed shortly afterward by the death of both his mother and father. Depressed he decided to go Europe, paint and reflect on his life. On the way back home, he was captivated by dinner discussions on electromagnetism. That interest led him to develop both the telegraph and the Morse code. Morse in an interview said that he can only credit God for the confidence to go forward in life after losing loved ones. That is it! God’s plans do not always follow our natural inclinations. Sometimes like Moses, He may be leading us somewhere that does not make sense. (Genesis 12: 1-4) Like Morse, however, we must be willing to let the Lord lead us to His ultimate destination for your life and my life. Solomon reminds us: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart…And He shall direct your paths.” (Proverbs 3:5-6) Our Lord Jesus Christ said if we put the interest of the Father first in your life and whatever we need would be provided. (Matthew 6:33-34) My life is also a testament of how goals can change. I wanted to be an accountant and spent many years doing so. But the Lord had other plans for me. He was calling me to His ministry. I chose to be obedient to His call and now I am forever grateful that I did. Because whatever I do and say going forward is for His glory. I am looking forward to hearing Him say one day “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.” Be encouraged.

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